Wedding Season, Commence: Day 1 of East Coast Summer 2013

Friday was my first true day of official vacation. Alice and I both arrived a bit after 6am East Coast time, and I only awoke a few moments before that from my in-flight nap. I clearly needed it, based on the little amount of sleep I had Wednesday evening - after driving Simba to SB and returning to LA for a long day of work and travel. It was marked by a great last day of work, a bittersweet farewell to a longtime fruit colleague, and a spontaneous decision to splurge, treat myself, fulfill one of my consumerist goals for this year and finally buy an iPad mini - hence the in-flight journal entry (being written during my Sunday flight from Boston to DC). I love it so far! Friday, I got off my plane and headed straight to baggage claim to find my hefty travel partner (his handle had already broke by Day 3 of my trip). Then, I found the signs pointing toward Rental Cars; this really only indicated the pick-up spot for a shuttle that would take me to pick up my Thr...