Why I [Try to] Call Myself a Writer

How I began 2013... (originally posted January 16th at 9:02am)

It now being officially two weeks into the new year, I'm realizing that I haven't yet actualized any of my goals-slash-resolutions-slash-attempted-life-style-changes made on the eve of this grand new era known as "2013." How and why IS that? Maybe it's laziness, or warranted post-holiday fatigue. Maybe it's my recent sex-addiction, or food-addiction, lack of willpower and/or simple non-abatable desire for constant stimulation - be it in the form of love, snacks or friends and family (sorry, workout; this leaves no time for little old YOU). Well, at least I'm getting in some form of workout most days...

Part of my problem is that I'm a PLANNER; rather, to avoid labeling myself, I have a preference toward organization. Thus, I sit down and spend ten minutes thinking: what should I write about today in my stream of consciousness? Consciousness, what are you in the mood to kick out? Must defeat the purpose. Or, when I truly sit down [snuggled up into my favorite workspace comprised of bed, covers and husband pillow - you know, the kind with the arms?] and COMMITTED to my efforts of actually maintaining a blog, I begin with: What should my blog be about? What day should I post on? If it's going to be on a Wednesday, what should I title that post? What's something pun-y I can incorporate? This past week, another challenge has been that I get side-tracked. In the spirit of our constantly-connected generation, I looked down to a notification on my iPhone about an article someone shared with me via Facebook, which led me to browse that article on NYTimes and then fall in love with a photo in that article that I had to share in that absolute moment on an entirely separate blog from the one that I'm supposed to be focusing on/working toward (come on, who doesn't know by now that I have a dog blog?!). Here I am, back to working toward my 750words about twenty minutes later. Don't even want to know what time it is.

I just had an epiphany. There ARE interesting things going on in my life. You know why? It all started when I said YES a few months to a bold idea but also opportune chance: to take a trip, travel with friends (that I love and want to deepen and re-deepen my connections with) AND cross an item off my bucket list. I am going to Disneyworld. Yep. The one in Orlando, Florida, yes. I'm so excited! Today now being Saturday Wednesday means that the trip commences TOMORROW, and I don't think it quite hit me until I had dinner with said Disneyworld Crew (or, as we might dub ourselves, the DWC) this weekend at Chili's. We're queso-addicts; they also attribute to my aforementioned food addiction. Anyway, what a great subject and source of quality blog material I have coming up: an adventure across the US of A that allows me to complete a dream on my b-list and also experience even more of a brand, culture and world that I really admire and enjoy - enough to write my masters thesis on it. Disney, it just dawned on me... I've missed you more than I realized.

Another realization came to me earlier tonight, for whatever reason as I walked back through the rare, bone-biting, forty-eight degree cold that was chilling LA today toward my apartment. I'm twenty-fucking three years old, about to be 24. It's not that I'm at an age where I need to be documenting my life, no. Hell, I have a pretty good memory, I'd like to think. But maybe it's that I'm at an age where every single day that I live, step that I take, adventure I embark upon and night that I make the most of NEED TO BE WORTH DOCUMENTING. Does this idea make sense? I want to, one, fall into my bed every night buzzing from the day I've experienced, so much so that I can't fall asleep and absolutely need to wind down via a finger-to-keyboard-cooldown. Two, I want to be able to relive and share and inspire with these hypothetical experiences I'm referring to, and want this so much that I have no choice but to diligently document the year of 2013 - via personal blog, 750words.com or the Notes app in my iPhone - thus making myself able to relive the gloriousness of being 23/24 and also, someday in the future, write a best-selling memoir about normalcy versus "escaping normal" (*see new favorite blog) or even a witty tv show like the magnificent Mindy Kaling has been able to do.

In an attempt to document, and prove that I have something worth writing about, here goes...

Cool things I did this week in January 2013: Choreographed a seven-song Zumba set. Got rid of my hiccups by drinking while balancing a knife on my nose. Met the heir to the owner of one of my favorite health/fast-food chains Veggie Grill. Had a cuddle-filled and sex-free night with my man. (Uh-oh. Does did this mean it's serious?) Spent an off-day watching about seven episodes of my new favorite drama, Scandal. Seven is my lucky number right now. Almost had to pick up and relocate roommate-less but then didn't, never panicked and weighed all of my options, values and preferences. Bought Mindy's book "Is Everyone hanging out Without Me?" to read on the plane to Florida (hooray for traditional paperback). Went to Disneyworld, crossing a major adventure off of my bucket list. 


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