August First: My Return to Writing
Ahh, how I've missed my MacBook Pro. It's been at least two weeks since I sat like this, drafting up a packing spreadsheet to ensure that I was prepared for a week-and-a-half of adventure, relaxation, exploration and celebration in New England. Now, I'm paralyzed with disbelief that the trip has come and gone.
I'm glad that I decided to invest in my iPad mini the day of my departure for my trip. It was a handy tool, that I definitely didn't even maximize, for a bit of reflection when I had down time at Jill's or a relatively early night in with one of my many hosts. From the Marriott courtesy of Em and Nick, to Jill's in DC, to Jake's in the East Village, to the other Marriott set aside by Bram and Sarah (thanks Aunt Betty), to Mom and Dad's sofa at the same hotel, to Bram and Sarah's couch in New Jersey, I was very much blessed and treated with hospitality, comfort, convenience and almost cosmic perfection when it came to how smooth everything went, how close together everything and everyone was, etc. I was IN LOVE with the nature of public transportation in both DC and NYC, making it more than simple to get anywhere independently, to meet up with spontaneously available friends like Monica, or Colin, and I am even grateful for the expensive lesson that was my rental car from Boston Logan Airport. The latter gave us the complete freedom to explore and linger anywhere our hearts desired, and we took advantage of that by seeing Em and Nick on the eve of their wedding in Salter's Point... also granting us a sneak peek of what turned out to the magical setting of their outdoor wedding the following evening.
Just as happens every time I sit down with a keyboard at my fingertips to reflect and relive my most recent happenings, I am excited by the potential in the blank [web]page before me. It's also a new month, and therefore a fresh start toward the completion of my daily goal of at least 750 words, which stems from a clever, entrepreneurial and crowd-sourced-in-a-way website that empowers aspiring writers to journal, or complete "morning pages" of uninhibited stream-of-consciousness, on a glowing white screen that is void of any other side bars of distraction. THIS month, I want to try my absolute hardest to write daily, even if there are mornings and evenings and entire 24-hour days in which I can barely make it to sit down, let alone write. I'm going to re-commit to my blog, and share all of the traveling reflections I have yet to document and the ones that are waiting to be published. The reason that the month of August in particular seemed like a good month to hone in on these objectives is because it's going to be one of a LOT of change. Hashing it out through my writing will be necessary.
July was filled to the brim with new experiences, friends of all kinds, and anticipated adventures and reunions and conversations. It began in Vegas, peaked at work and along my leadership journey, dabbled in romance and dove through the healing process...and ended on the other side of the country. The once-in-a-lifetime kind of magic found us in Sin City, during my sister's and my first independent trip there together. I met new people, I tried Grouper, and most importantly, I was myself. I began to examine the potential realities of my professional future as a manager, and my horizons retracted and then expanded again once I asked myself: "COULD you really move there?"
Turns out that I definitely could.
Once July had really taken flight, it was time to embark on the long-awaited journey I dubbed New England Summer 2013. I left with excitement about the prospect of a week+ vacation from work, where I am challenged and fulfilled and also tested, daily. I thought that a break might be rejuvenating and clarifying - and I was right. I bid farewell to my long-time colleague who was leaving Apple after five years on the same day I was leaving on my trip, ensured that I had my iPad mini+ keyboard in hand, and regained an appreciation for both my team and my entire company during the ten days that would follow. Not only did I miss the feelings, actions and influence that take place at my store; I was also in awe again and again upon meeting colleagues around the country when I visited stores in DC, in the center of the Big Apple, and in the West Village of New York, too. I saw old friends and peers that began my journey with me two years ago. I regained belief in myself that not only have I come a long way, but am ready to make an impact as a leader in this business in a new city, a new environment. It could be an hour from LA or it could be on the East Coast. Time will tell.
I love to reiterate the quote that has spoken to me most in all my findings on writing:
"I write to taste life twice."
August is going to be the month in which, more than ever, I make time for myself and this passion of mine in order to both relive and reflect upon all that the recent years have been leading up to. I'm about to reach a crossroads, and I want to be ready. To whatever August brings!
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