Thoughts on 9-5: When September Ends

September is already in full swing. Labor Day weekend has come and gone, which means that summer is also trying to end - though the weather doesn't indicate as such. The fall solstice is approaching, Fantasy Football is taking off, USC has its first home game of the season on Saturday, and this month's the marker of the final third of the year 2013. Where is the time going? All I know is that I'm dead-set on making the most of it.

To have accomplished my writing goal for this month will mean that I've written 19,500 more words down that I have at this very moment (in case you're not as quick at math as I obviously am, that means 750 words a day). Taking a stab at morning pages each day, like I currently am, will help me get there. Made coffee and an omelette, showered last night so that I could optimize my morning, splurged on a coconut water to stay hydrated, and planted myself in front of the AC so I'd face no excuse or distraction. How are you ever going to pull off becoming a writer, Cory, if you don't sit down and make time to write?

When September ends, I'll have moved out of my current living space on West Knoll Drive and also bid farewell to an era of youthful fun, college-esque proximity and walkability, and boldness that knew no inhibitions this past year. That was my life in WeHo. I first shared it with my oldest friend from adulthood, Jill, and then a chance (or, rather, fated) roommate who was also a Trojan: Nili. I'm so grateful that the past year and one month never ceased to be shared with powerful, supportive female friends whether old or new. We cooked and ate and explored all we could, we paraded with the Pride of any same-sex roommates in West Hollywood, we tanned and swam and soaked up the LA sun. We drank a lot of coffee from Urth Caffe, all three of us. I know this symbolic end won't be the end of my friendships with either women.

My latest roomie, Nili Schneidman, and I watching the first game of 2013

When September ends, Simba will be four months old and barely a baby anymore! That will make me a mother for a little over a quarter of this year. Kirb's and my spontaneous decision to visit Beth's apartment and three little flea-infested orphans (now known to the world as Simba, Nala and Buzz) was one of the best commitments I've made this year, maybe in my lifetime, and once we sat in that tiny studio-apartment bathroom cuddling long enough, we knew we couldn't turn back. Simba's now closer to four lbs. than the ONE that she weighed on her first visit. She's getting fixed soon. She's as rambunctious as ever, and knocked over my tv in the early morning today just to remind me of it. But she's also perfect, and as unconditionally loving as the black Lab we grew up with in Newbury Park. 

I just hope Simba doesn't get as big as Beauty was. 

When September ends, I'll have officially begun (and then some!) my journey along a new, broader and steeper path at Apple: as a manager. That's right; it's official now. Amidst my joyous, friend- and beach-filled day off yesterday, I received a call from the same recruiter at my company that introduced me to the interview process more than two years ago at an intimidating Hyatt in Century City. When I approached this person, whose name is Natalie, at the reception desk to check in for what would ultimately be the first step on this path I keep referring to - she greeted me warmly. Now that I've come full circle, she told me on the phone yesterday that sharing my good news is one of the best parts of her job, as it gives her a chance to commend the completion of a truly exceptional, expedited opportunity to grow into a leader at one of the coolest places to work out there. 

Starting the weekend after next, I'll be working in a new store inside a gorgeous mall amongst a close-knit team that I've already had the pleasure of hanging out with. Early last month, the A Store Topanga needed additional support from its neighbors while certain leaders recovered from injuries and illness. I feel so lucky to have gone because as it turns out, the team there makes up such a high-energy, spirited and collaborative group of people... and I instantly connected with them. They were more welcoming and helpful than I could have asked for, though I'm not surprised at their hospitality being that we're all a part of the same Apple family. I learned so much in only six days of working together, not only from the seasoned leaders who currently inspire the team but also the experts, the part-time worker bees, the technicians... all of whom are insanely and beautifully customer-focused. 

While a lot will be new and my new responsibilities may seem scary, I am pleasantly surprised to hear myself say - and truly feel - that I have NO fear. I will be so supported, I'll be reporting to an exceptional leader who is a veteran of The Grove (my first home), and I'll continue to work near my historic city of LA, my hometown, my closest friends, and my family... in all its forms. 

Look at what Maria, my most trusted confidante at The Grove, made for me!

When September ends and for the indefinite time-being, I will still know nothing of the 9-5 career life.

To new beginnings!


  1. I love this. And so happy/excited for your new beginnings!


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