Reasons Why I Run the World

Since I began running around my new city of San Francisco this time last year, I have pondered the reasons why I stick with it. Running is literally never easy for me; neither is waking up before 6am. On the other hand, the physical and mental benefits to this hobby, this outlet and [conveniently] form of exercise? Countless. Here are my top ten (sunrises aside). 1. It's faster than walking. 2. Running is meditative. It allows me to observe my thoughts and become in touch with only my body, my breathing and my physical self. 3. Running is... natural. Fight or flight instincts evoked by stress at work or emotional dissonance are instantly remedied (especially since fighting is frowned upon at the office). 4. Running is strengthening. It feels easier every time. 5. Running feels productive. With simple swift motions, I can exercise nearly every inch of my body and cover massive ground - both literally and metaphorically. 6. The road doesn't ...