Moving from "mid-" to "late"
It's been said 1 million times that the most important things aren't things. But if we're not careful, it seems, many of us find ourselves overwhelmed by all the stuff we have to manage, instead of focused on what we're most passionate about. - Shauna Niequest, Present over Perfect As August 9th comes to a close, I see now that it's official: I'm in my late twenties. A new friend pointed out to me this weekend that once at age twenty-seven and past the half-birthday mark, we are officially in our late twenties -- forbidden from pretending that it's still the "mid-twenties" phase of our young lives. Is that fair?!! If so, I was officially amidst my late-twenties as of eight thirty-three PM tonight. I'm in my late twenties, alright: a period I once associated with SO MANY DIFFERENT things than my life now entails. In our late twenties, we'd have fallen in love. In our late twenties, we'd have figured it out: we'd have bought ...