Making the Most of an Atypical Monday

Some might say I was confined to the insides of my apartment building by the rainy weather. I could have remained, chilly and discouraged, in the warmth of my bed throughout. A recent letdown that had me teetering on the edge of heartbreak put me at risk of experience a bout of resignation; finally, the come-down after holiday season and my slew of visitors to San Francisco made this three-day weekend one with high-potential for loneliness. I didn’t let that stop me. Despite the testy weather and plenty of temptation to remain horizontal, I leveraged this third-weekend-day that was today as a vessel to carry out several of my New Years intentions. Several acts were intentional; a few were not. I’ll admit that the extra time permitted me to sleep in, drink too much coffee, and even procrastinate in addition to getting so much done; I can’t deny that the Monday holiday helped make it possible. But for all those who know of my obsessive campaign toward #maximizingmond...