Thank Full

In addition to the scrumptious turkey dinner and festive beverages that our family enjoyed today, there are countless things that I am thankful for as I lie on the couch, reflecting, amidst a dessert-induced food coma. I'll narrow it down to the top ten at the forefront of my mind before today slips away. I'm surrounded by sisters, adopted ones, blankets, and kittens. We're indulging, as is so fitting on this holiday, in one more luxurious treat: Gatsby. The thankfulness only just begins here. 1. My Mom & Dad. The ones who started it all; I'm grateful for their traditions, discipline, and insistence upon family-time. Now, it comes natural. 2. My sisters, Kirb & Chlo. The youngin's are the accomplished and inspiring ones. 3. My first friends: Britt, Bre & Jenn. No matter how many years, or miles, or weddings pass, we always have just as much fun.... and trust in each other. 4. My oldest friend: Chels. She's 400 miles away these days, but that's ...